FWAS Observing Site (Members Only)
Location: Eastland Co., Texas
Access: Year-Round
Cost: Free to club members and their families
Solar-AC/DC Power Inverter and USB Charging
Composting toilet facility
Loaner equipment
Overnight Camping
Membership in FWAS is open to anyone with an interest in amateur astronomy (no telescope required).
FWAS membership includes:
First look at, and contribution rights to, our award winning newsletter, Prime Focus, keeping you informed of club activities, how-to's, local celestial events, astronomy news, and much more.
Access to the FWAS e-Group, our online, members only, astronomy discussion forum - including all of the combined knowledge of our members to draw from.
Full use of the club's private, remote dark observing site throughout the year.
100 miles due west of Ft Worth (Rising Star, TX), on a privately owned 4 acre ranch (Bortle Dark Sky Scale = 2).
Use of the club's several large aperture communal telescopes (from 10", 12" & 14" Dobs up to our 19.5" EQ Fork!).
Automatic associated membership in the Astronomical League and subscription to their free quarterly newsletter Reflector
Automatic free associated membership in the NASA Night Sky Network
Special FWAS discount subscription rates to Astronomy, Sky & Telescope, and StarDate magazines
Our Membership year is from June 1st thru to May 30th the following year. (Note: You may join at any time.)

Prime Focus, our club newsletter, is published monthly and contains astronomy news, club activities, astrophotography from club members, observing reports, plus tips and advice.
Interested in becoming a member of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society?
We would really like to meet you at our in-person* monthly meetings or at a FWAS sponsored event where you can fill out membership information.
Another way to fill out membership information is via the following link. Membership Form
We also have online interaction capabilities as described on the FWAS Facebook page.
(* COVID19 restrictions may apply and appropriate PPE required at all gatherings)
The FWAS e-Group is an online discussion forum just for our club members. Once you become a member and subscribe to the list you can send messages to all the other club members who are subscribed.
FWAS members use the e-Group to receive important club news such as meeting location changes, special event info, exclusive offers, etc. The FWAS e-Group is also how Prime Focus, the club's newsletter, is delivered to our members.
The New Member Handbook contains information on joining the FWAS e-Group.