Can I build my own telescope?

Yes you can! Telescopes aren't rocket science. The basic technology for telescopes hasn't changes much in 200-300 years since Galileo (early 1600's - refractors) and Newton (late 1600's - reflectors) invented the two main types of telescopes used by amateur astronomers today, using the same techniques.

As a matter of fact, the easiest mount to build for amateur telescope makers, the alt-azimuth dobsonian mount, was actually invented by an amateur astronomer in the late 60's named John Dobson, in San Francisco. In fact most Newtonian reflector telescopes sold with this mount are now simply called "Dobsonians".

If you have even a slight mechanical ability, and a book from the library or from an online retailer, you can build your own telescope (and many other astronomical accessories for that matter). It will take a little bit of planning and time, and you won’t save a whole lot of money…but you’ll have a better instrument, and you'll have bragging rights that you built your own telescope.