Can I take photographs of things in the sky?
Yes. The simplest way is to put your cellphone camera up to the eyepiece and snap a picture. A low power, wide field of view, eyepiece works best with this method. You'll be surprised how good some of the pictures turn out. This usually only works for the moon or the sun though. You can also mount a regular camera on the telescope tube itself and have it point down toward the end of the scope to take regular naked-eye type pictures (called "piggy back"). For fainter, more distance objects such as glaxaies, planetary nebulae, etc., you will need to photograph through the telescope, and you will probably need to invest in some specialty equipment like an eyepiece video camera (aka CCD).
Astrophotography can be as simple or complex as you have the budget to make it. For the more advanced long exposure photography you'll need a motorized telescope mount to counter the rotation of the Earth, as well. Several of our club members can give you more details on this if desired.